jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011

kobe bryant and lebron james dunk

kobe bryant and lebron james dunk. Dunking On Lebron James
  • Dunking On Lebron James

  • Jason Beck
    Apr 9, 09:41 PM
    Those are some nice-looking jeans. I have no clue why, but my eyes were drawn there first. :D

    Thanks, I couldn't stop complimenting her on them too lol.


    kobe bryant and lebron james dunk. Tags: dunk, Kobe Bryant,
  • Tags: dunk, Kobe Bryant,

  • kryten3000
    May 1, 10:51 PM
    crowed of people gathering @ LaFayette Park in Washington DC celebrating the news

    GLOBAL MARKETS-Stocks rise after Bin Laden report; oil slides


    kobe bryant and lebron james dunk. kobe bryant and lebron james
  • kobe bryant and lebron james

  • Brien
    Mar 12, 03:09 PM
    Managed to score a 16GB black wifi iPad. Was hoping for white, maybe I'll get lucky and someone here wants to trade.

    If not I guess I'll live. I ended up 'settling' for a black iPhone 4, so this isn't much different.


    kobe bryant and lebron james dunk. Then Kobe Bryant flew in and
  • Then Kobe Bryant flew in and

  • meepm00pmeep
    Oct 24, 07:46 AM
    i mean for everyone who waited this long, Santa Rosa is coming up soon, so why not wait for that as well? i say get what you need when you need it... there will always be newer tech down the line


    kobe bryant and lebron james dunk. LeBron James
  • LeBron James

  • astroot
    Apr 14, 08:24 AM
    I currently have a black 3GS, and have been waiting since day 1 for the white iPhone 4. I will buy this immediately.

    Since iPhone 5 will probably just be a spec bump and maybe a little bigger screen, I'm not all that concerned about it.


    kobe bryant and lebron james dunk. (Still the greatest dunk of
  • (Still the greatest dunk of

  • Deefuzz
    Nov 16, 11:34 AM
    What kind of clothes are you buying?:confused:

    I've got a bunch of Banana Republic and L.L. Bean.

    A few Lacoste and Polo and Burberry items as well.

    The only things for me that don't last are jeans/slacks. I do go through those a bit faster, probably around the 2 year mark.

    IMO it's all in the quality of the clothing. Back in college I would buy Tommy Hilfiger, Old Navy, and Nautica and that stuff would barely last a year. Really cheap stuff.

    I prefer stuff along the lines of my Banana Republic and L.L. Bean button down shirts. No logos or emblems on the outside of the shirt, and real good quality that holds up for years.


    kobe bryant and lebron james dunk. LeBron James – As much as we
  • LeBron James – As much as we

  • Chef Medeski
    Oct 19, 07:43 AM
    An ultra portable or headless tower is innovation? The world is full of them. On the other hand, Front Row, Boot Camp, built-in iSight, Mag-safe connector, mighty mouse, much more bang for the buck iMacs, laptops and MacPro's do not count. As I remember, this time last year almost everybody was complaining about "obsolete" G4's in laptops and the limited number of hard drive and optical drive slots on the PowerMacs. I guess solving those problems does not count.

    iPods is the cash cow and what did Apple do about it? Well, colorful nanos are cool, but I prefer a white one anyways. I'd think iPod camp would have a lot more to complain about. Geez...

    Front Row: A little list of Music and Movies a la Windows Media Center... not new

    Boot Camp: Dual booting.... thats been around for decades...

    Built-in-iSight: Ok just because it has a fancy name doesnt mean its any different... its known as a webcam. Theyve been around almost a decade.... just b/c Apple was one of the first (not the first) to put it in doesn't mean they're special or that it counts as innovations

    Mag-safe: Youve got 1!

    Mighty Mouse: behold the two-button mouse that doesnt work. You're right that is innovative... that a company would make such a lousy product whose main functions doesnt work.

    Bang for the buck: Thats not innovation, thats economics. Apple's not the first one to decrease the price of a product. :rolleyes:

    I would all count these as advances not innovation. While I do appreciate them and believe Apple is doing well; don't call them what they ain't: Innovation. Call it as it is: Improvements.

    Its hard to ask for much while these guys are finishing a whole new OS. Trying to Beta-Test it. While trying to keep up with all the new Intel chips and dealing with the new techonology pipeline. They've delivered huge improvements, may not be innovation; but it certainly is better. And I rather have that than nothing.


    kobe bryant and lebron james dunk. kobe bryant and lebron james
  • kobe bryant and lebron james

  • AndyR
    Nov 6, 02:16 AM
    No I've been waiting for VM to get their butt in gear to launch Workstation. Parallels was simply a work around, a crappy one at that, until I could get VMWare. There is simply no way in heck I'm spending $80 on a piece of software that can crash my system. And before someone tells me to use Bootcamp. Yah right. Advanced Power Management does not work right under Bootcamp even with the latest version. When Parallels starts making a product that
    1. Doesn't crash\freeze my system
    2. Doesn't require me to force quite the application once every couple of weeks because the progress bar when I'm suspending a session has stalled.
    3. Doesn't have sharing between folders that takes a good 5 seconds to parse the files and doesn't drop a file mapping in your file explorer.
    4. Doesn't have the world's crappiest networking passthrough. I can't count how many times I've gone from one network to another to another and had it get confused telling me I might have limited network connectivity. So I need to repair the connection.

    Parallels sucks but until now its been the only REAL game in town. Boo hoo I'm not paying for an app that IMHO is half baked to begin with. :rolleyes: At least I'm not outright going in search of a seral number and pirating the thing. Again its a tide me over until VM gets their butt in gear and releases this thing.

    Dude, your doing something totally wrong. I've got Parallels running a 1.83ghz , 1gb MacBook and its pretty much instant at everything! Never hung on me every, suspending takes only a few seconds, likewise from resume. Sharing of files is instant, well no differenace than working on it nativly.

    I have XP SP2, Office Sage, Visio, Project, Money and Autoroute all running and never have any probs.

    Your doing somat wrong mate.


    kobe bryant and lebron james dunk. kobe bryant dunks on lebron
  • kobe bryant dunks on lebron

  • MacRumors
    Apr 14, 12:17 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/14/apple-releases-ios-4-3-2-ios-4-2-7-for-verizon-iphone/)



    kobe bryant and lebron james dunk. Kobe Bryant Lakers
  • Kobe Bryant Lakers

  • toddybody
    Apr 13, 01:55 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    Will it be a cinema display with receiver?

    Id love to see a new standard for "HD". 1440p would be nice...but current media would have to catch up. That said, I dont think Apple could make a cost effective television. Sorry, but theyd sell a 42inch TV for 2000.000 easy.


    kobe bryant and lebron james dunk. Kobe Bryant, LeBron James
  • Kobe Bryant, LeBron James

  • Hisdem
    Apr 9, 01:03 PM
    http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4110/5602889077_c04c22a79b_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/maxumphoto/5602889077/)
    Yellow Beast (http://www.flickr.com/photos/maxumphoto/5602889077/) by Hisdem (http://www.flickr.com/people/maxumphoto/), on Flickr


    kobe bryant and lebron james dunk. Chris Paul and Kobe Bryant
  • Chris Paul and Kobe Bryant

  • Bilbo63
    Apr 22, 09:33 AM
    1) I own both.

    They are rectangular and have icons on home screens.

    There's only so much one can do with smart phone styling.

    It's not like Apples on the verge of going out of business.

    Much ado over nothing.

    Like a teenage bully, Apples beyond stupid.

    2) You actually believe clueless sales people?

    Okay THAT is just total BS. There are other phones that do not look like iPhone clones out there.

    Look at what Microsoft are doing? They are actually giving their mobile platform its own interface and it's own look. You know what? It's pretty damn good too. You don't HAVE to do things the Apple does. No, Samsung copies Apple because they're lazy and they know that they can generate sales on confusing buyers or convincing buyers that this is the same thing as an iPhone. It's so obvious.

    It's fine that they want to make touchscreen phones, just create your own look and feel. Granted some of Samsung's phone are worse than others.

    Blatant copying.

    AND, if Apple have infringed on anyone else's patents, they should be held accountable too. That's the way that it works. Live by the sword. Die by the sword.


    kobe bryant and lebron james dunk. Lebron james, kobe bryant says
  • Lebron james, kobe bryant says

  • SchneiderMan
    Sep 12, 11:22 PM
    I didn't buy it. A friend of mine from Israel bought it online for $13 and just shipped it to MA. So simple, isn't it? ;)

    Oh yeah, and there is that possibility :p


    kobe bryant and lebron james dunk. kobe bryant and lebron james
  • kobe bryant and lebron james

  • sigamy
    Jul 25, 08:26 AM
    I've wanted hyperlinks and a touch screen on the iPod since forever. Many times I do "shuffle songs", then it lands on an artist or album that I'd like to hear more of. It would be great to be able to click on the artist name or the album and then jump right there.


    kobe bryant and lebron james dunk. lebron james dunk over kobe.
  • lebron james dunk over kobe.

  • caspersoong
    Apr 14, 03:44 AM
    Why on earth would this happen? Why would they edit it to include the ix.Mac.MarketingName? I don't understand. Is there any logical explanation? I don't think it is a typo because I don't think Apple is stupid enough to edit it just in order to put a typo in. Weird.


    kobe bryant and lebron james dunk. kobe bryant dunks on lebron
  • kobe bryant dunks on lebron

  • Farns514
    Nov 8, 10:23 PM
    Burberry Pullover



    kobe bryant and lebron james dunk. LeBron James Dwyane Wade Kobe
  • LeBron James Dwyane Wade Kobe

  • firestarter
    Apr 24, 05:14 PM
    People get beat up for no reason all the time. It doesn't have to do anything with bullying or the victim being a transgender. From what the victim said, the attackers used a standard "excuse" to start a fight. ("Why are you talking to my man?", if I understood correctly.)

    That's not what the McDonalds employee seemed to suggest (http://forums.macrumors.com/showpost.php?p=12452442&postcount=41).


    kobe bryant and lebron james dunk. VIDEO: Kobe Bryant Dunks On
  • VIDEO: Kobe Bryant Dunks On

  • MacProCpo
    Nov 28, 01:26 AM
    Since it's a slow and lazy Saturday at home, I decided to get the PS3 folding. So now I have the MP, my MacBook, two of 6 unix machines, my wife's iMac, and my PS3 folding.........what have you guys done to me? ;)

    All the folding happiness will be coming to a close on Dec 7th though. That's when the movers show up to do the final packing and ship all my household goods. I should be back up and running full-on by mid Jan.


    kobe bryant and lebron james dunk. +lebron+james+dunking+on+
  • +lebron+james+dunking+on+

  • steve knight
    Dec 30, 11:56 AM
    you gotta feel sorry for the poor abused toilet. I can imagine the reamed out plumbing.

    Aug 2, 05:24 AM
    I will try to ignore your fan-boyish attitude as I find it mindless and undermining of the quality of MacRumors.

    the mac platform is still the choice for the creative class. you won't find more than a handful of print designers using windows. adobe/macromedia sales figures show just about 50/50. creative pros don't care one whit about upgradeability. final cut pro is absolutely devastating the film market right now, eating away at the market share of avid solutions. these are all factual and verifiable.

    No it is not and I dare you to prove me wrong! The majority of the creative class uses pcs period. Software titles like Autocad, 3d Studio Max, Rhino etc. don�t even exist for the mac. Your claims sound pretty much like Apples marketing, which tends to be over the top and pretty damn unrealistic. Also by creative class I obviously mean people like architects, interior designers, furniture designers, and people of fine arts and music. I have no idea what you mean by �print designers�, perhaps you would care to clarify?

    as for your anecdotal evidence of your friends switching back, i'm sure that has happened. i can anecdotally tell you two of my colleagues have switched recently, buying not one, but two laptops each (15" and 17"). thing is my anecdotal evidence is just as useless as yours, all that counts are cold hard numbers and 4.6 is greater than 3.2. clearly mac market share is on the rise.

    You call my personal experience �anecdotal evidence�? Perhaps you need a course in the English language? I would be more than happy to arrange an interview for you at the university of Brighton where I teach in post grad architecture. You could do one of the English courses and learn what the word �anecdotal� really means. As for the legitimacy of my claims you would only need to pay a visit to the UB Art and Design campus to see what once was a computer pool of 120 PowerMacs be filled with 120 brand new Gateway pcs.

    As for your "friends" who bought not one but many MB PROS, I�m sure they did. In fact, if they are one bit like you, they must buy every piece of kit apple throws out of the assembly line. It is not either your fault or theirs though. It is fan-boyism that dictates this behavior and mind you we're not having any of it in these forums.

    Oct 13, 01:39 PM
    I'll bring my systems back online 24/7. I kinda got tires of the locked up core on my macs so I fold only on my pc laptop during the day.

    just do what you can

    I tried last weekend to get started again on my MBP. I use the InCrease client, and that thing just sat there, refused to clear out old stuff and get a new unit. I am having difficulty even reinstalling it and having it start from scratch.

    What do you guys use?

    Mar 31, 04:41 PM
    Why is the selected button ("Day") up, and all the others are down? Bizarre.

    louis Fashion
    Apr 11, 02:02 PM
    Probably not to far off. what will be funny is all the people who bought a 2011 mbp, I am guessing probably will not choose to pay premium for the drive and will upgrade their laptop prior to buying affordable TB drive for thier machine.

    I hope I am wrong, But I think 500 might not be to far off from actual price.

    500? That IS expensive!

    Sep 30, 09:17 AM
    You have a point, but Apple didn't necessarily want an exclusive carrier. That does nothing for Apple's business. AT&T obviously paid for Apple's exclusivity.

    Um.... I am pretty sure that Apple gets a higher subsidy from having an exclusive carrier agreement, lowering the cost to their customers, yet still keeping margins on the device high.

    Someone to correct me if I am wrong.

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