viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011

Can Am Spyder Phantom

Can Am Spyder Phantom. Can Am SPYDER SE5 PHANTOM 3

  • MacMan86
    Apr 23, 12:56 PM
    An undocumented source proves your point, but Apple makes no reply to the allegations? I thought it was a "bug" in the software? And some police departments have known about it for a while too.

    Who needs an undocumented source when you could watch WWDC 2010 Session 115 'Using Core Location in iOS 4' at 14 minutes and 30 seconds in and hear Morgan Grainger, a man partly responsible for the Core Location framework in the iPhone SDK (read: all location functionality on iPhone) describe how the iPhone caches nearby cell tower information to help the device find its location in the circumstances above.

    Given that we have the engineer partly behind this framework explain that the iPhone caches this information, we know that the iPhone has to be storing this information somewhere. This 'consolidated.db' matches the words in the video perfectly, making it no great assumption that this is the file which fulfils this purpose.

    Granted you don't sound like a developer and so won't have access to these videos, but any other developer could do the same and corroborate this.

    It being a bug is simply a rumour which has no links to an official source. I'm far more inclined to believe the words of a guy who wrote the code that collects this information in the first place

    Can Am Spyder Phantom. CanAm Phantom Kit
  • CanAm Phantom Kit

  • macfan70
    Nov 27, 01:28 PM
    To fit in to the Mac line up, the price for the 17" Widescreen should not be over 399 at which point you might as well get an iMac. I think if it is real, then Apple will fill the product gap and sell them for 299. Still iffy since most 17" LCDs go for at least 50 bucks less. :confused:

    Can Am Spyder Phantom. Can-Am Spyder Roadster Black
  • Can-Am Spyder Roadster Black

  • vincenz
    Apr 9, 11:34 PM
    I can't drive stick, but I really want to learn one day. They look like fun when not in traffic.

    Can Am Spyder Phantom. 2009 Can-Am Spyder Phantom
  • 2009 Can-Am Spyder Phantom

  • blondepianist
    May 2, 05:33 PM
    i think I'm horribly wrong here.

    You can drag and drop the app (any deletable) in the trash and it will come up with the same pop up. There's no need to hold down on the app to enable deletion. Fair enough on apple's side.


    That's good! Thanks for sharing before more people went on about Lion being a toy OS.

    And if I've said it once, I'll say it again: MacPad cometh. :cool:

    Can Am Spyder Phantom. new Can-Am Spyder promises
  • new Can-Am Spyder promises

  • cleanup
    Nov 28, 10:55 AM

    I don't have a microwave anymore but like the occasional bowl of popcorn. :)

    I like that concept... not owning a microwave. Encourages you to eat fresh and reheat things the proper way. :)

    Can Am Spyder Phantom. hard-edged than the Can-Am
  • hard-edged than the Can-Am

  • FireStar
    Oct 3, 09:20 AM
    Wow. Everyone at macrumors must love switcheasy. Are they that good?
    Ohhhhhh, yes. Nice cases, amazing accesories, and all for around the same price as Griffin or Belkin. Lots of variety too.

    As a SwitchEasy tradition, we have included everything you need to protect and accessorize your new iPod Touch 2G. With our RebelTouch package, you'll get the following

    Can Am Spyder Phantom. 2009 Can Am SPYDER PHANTOM SM5
  • 2009 Can Am SPYDER PHANTOM SM5

  • Gregg2
    Apr 10, 08:34 PM
    I've ... never tried any of the fancy auto shifting modern cars.D

    The last car I sold had manual transmission, and the one it replaced did as well. I now have automatics, and later this year will be buying one with that "fancy" shifting. On the one I'm planning to get, it's called Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT). I test drove it and thought it was a novelty, but fun to do after having only conventional automatics for a few years now.

    Can Am Spyder Phantom. 2009 Can Am SPYDER PHANTOM SM5
  • 2009 Can Am SPYDER PHANTOM SM5

  • petteri
    Aug 16, 02:22 PM
    Well what would this:

    look like if Apple got together with Sirius?

    More info on this unit here:

    I think a Apple +Sirius or XM deal makes a whole lot of sense. The satellite chipsets and power requirements are getting closer to what would work in an iPod. I don't think Sirius is quite there yet. XM I think so, but I don't think XM is actively looking into a partnership with Apple. Sirius has stated that there have been talks, but nothing of substance yet.

    Can Am Spyder Phantom. 2009 Can Am SPYDER (PHANTOM)
  • 2009 Can Am SPYDER (PHANTOM)

  • milo
    Aug 29, 10:49 AM
    And Apple would be losing money with every sale.

    Don't roll your eyes at me! I didn't say that they *would* do that, my point is merely that you can't make a blanket statement that yonah machines wouldn't sell. While companies like dell are announcing merom machines, they haven't stopped selling yonah, have they?

    And how does pointing out that yonah will likely end up costing apple less than merom make you a "yonah fanboy"?

    Can Am Spyder Phantom. 2009 CAN-AM SPYDER GS PHANTOM

  • celticpride678
    Apr 1, 10:43 AM
    Adding a printer has a new interface and you can now display a message on the screen if your screen is locked.

    Can Am Spyder Phantom. (Can-Am Spyder, Phantom)
  • (Can-Am Spyder, Phantom)

  • Sean7512
    Aug 24, 05:42 PM
    I hope it happens soon......that new iMac is sounding nice!!! I think it is obviously coming "VERY SOON." What happened to September 5th? Is that the tuesday after labor day, I think it is....

    Can Am Spyder Phantom. Can Am SPYDER SE5 PHANTOM 3

  • SubaruNation555
    Jan 19, 02:52 PM
    Some pics of my Impreza after a night of freezing rain:

    Can Am Spyder Phantom. 2010 Can-Am Spyder RT-622
  • 2010 Can-Am Spyder RT-622

  • maggieai
    Oct 14, 02:27 AM
    there are so many online store for wholesaling iphone 4 case. we need to be cautious when choosing what we need. Comparing the price and the most important is chech the company credit. Good luck for all of you.

    Can Am Spyder Phantom. 2009 Can Am SPYDER (PHANTOM)
  • 2009 Can Am SPYDER (PHANTOM)

  • Surely
    Jan 12, 10:27 AM
    if you look at the codenames for many products, and I'm talking about way back to the apple II days, air seems more like a codename for a product than the product name itself. Maybe they will announce something like they did with the "iTV" and refer to it by its codename, because they don't have a name yet and it's not even out for official release yet.

    Stop making sense. It's not welcome here.

    You need to be more fanboy-ish. :D

    Can Am Spyder Phantom. Blairsden 2009 Can-Am GS
  • Blairsden 2009 Can-Am GS

  • Squire
    Jan 12, 10:57 AM
    People here seem to want to condone ANY decision Apple may wish to make. Already people seem to be defensive on the "MacBook Air" name which is probably just a rumor and also seem to be defensive of Apple's decision to remove the optical drive - something we don't even know will happen!

    Keep in mind the fact that this is a rumor site. People are expressing their opinions on things Apple is rumored to be doing. With respect to the name, the "MacBook Air" moniker was suggested by what the site administrators feel is a reliable source. As I mentioned previously, I don't mind the name. And, no, I'm not just saying that because I'm an Apple fan. (I did/do not like the name MacBook, for instance. It took some time to get used to. I still prefer iBook and PowerBook.)

    With respect to the rumored removal of the optical drive, someone in another post put it best: Why should I have to carry around my (internal) optical drive now when I rarely use it? For a primary computer, it's pretty much essential. As a second computer with portability being a primary feature, I say get rid of it.

    Again, I'm commenting on what Apple is rumored to do because, well, this particular thread relates to a rumor.


    P.S. I know where you're coming from in relation to people defending Apple's every move, even when it's unfair to the consumer. Sometimes that happens. This, however, isn't one of those cases in my opinion.

    Can Am Spyder Phantom. 2009 Can-Am Spyder™ GS Phantom
  • 2009 Can-Am Spyder™ GS Phantom

  • applefanDrew
    May 2, 09:02 PM
    I like it, but right now there's 3 ways to install apps: App Store, download from internet and drag to applications folder, installer wizard (like MS Office). Also, the difference between the applications folder and LaunchPad will be confusing for most users. This whole thing needs to be unified. Either get rid of the Applications folder or get rid of LaunchPad.

    Afaik, there is no apps folder on the dock by default in lion. Launchpad has taken it's place.

    Can Am Spyder Phantom. The Can-Am Spyder created
  • The Can-Am Spyder created

  • JoeG4
    Feb 27, 02:06 AM
    You can always tell the 22" because they have the power LCD below the bezel instead of on it. Three buttons too! Power, and brightness up/down. Even stranger, the buttons are mechanical clear pieces of plastic (and the power light is this big pill-shaped thing that hangs inside the power button).

    It was such a neat design! And then there was the translucent black frame (The backlight sorta bleeds through em too, also cool). The DVI 22" had a GREEN (amber pulsing while sleeping) power light and had a UFO-shaped breakout box at the end of its cable for the USB/power/DVI. Very cool.

    The sucky part about the 22" LCD was that it had a really high defect rate. However, it was introduced at a time when 15" LCDs were a luxury item, so it was more like the Ferrari of LCDs of its time. :D

    I recall paying the same price for mine as the Mac Pro currently costs. Sheesh! Stupid me. I should've put that money into Apple stock! If I had put the $7k I blew on my Dual 800/22" into Apple shares I could afford a Ferrari right now :(

    Being 14 and stupid FTW?

    Can Am Spyder Phantom. 2009 Can Am SPYDER (PHANTOM)
  • 2009 Can Am SPYDER (PHANTOM)

  • wheezy
    Nov 15, 06:37 PM
    That really depends on the program, on how "parallelizable" the application is.

    The simplest way to think of it is like this: Let's say you have a program that first has to calculate A. Then, when it's done that, it uses the result of A to calculate B. Then, when it's done that, uses the result of B to calculate C, then C to D, and so on. That's a *serial* problem there. The calculation of B can't begin until A is done, so it doesn't matter how many processors you have running, all computation is held up on one spot.

    On the other hand, let's say you have an application that needs to calculate A, B, C and D, but those four values are not dependent on each other at all. In that case, you can use four processors at the same time, to calculate all four values at the same time.

    Think of it like baking a cake. You can't start putting on the icing until the cake is done baking. And you can't start baking the cake until the ingredients are all mixed together. But you can have people simultaneously getting out and measuring the ingredients.

    So that problem is partially parallelizable, but the majority of its workload is a serial process.

    Some software applications, just by their very nature, will never be able to do anything useful with multiple processors.

    What a very lovely analogy. Thank you.

    For me... 8 cores for the bragging rights only... so I guess I won't get one anytime soon. I'm sure 4 would suit me fine though, I need to upgrade my 1Ghz G4!!!

    Can Am Spyder Phantom. 2009 Can-Am Spyder™ GS Phantom
  • 2009 Can-Am Spyder™ GS Phantom

  • flopticalcube
    Nov 28, 02:21 PM
    Memory Stick

    PSone & PS2?

    Like MS, the winners pay for the losers. As a trader once told me, you only have to be right 51% of the time to make a profit.

    Nov 28, 10:10 AM
    "Microsoft is going to put tons of money in this over time, much like they did with the Xbox" video game console, she said. "It's not about the first generation (of devices)."

    Isn't the non-360 version of the Xbox the first generation?

    Didn't it sell very well?

    Mar 25, 09:40 AM
    Nop... consider.

    2x CPUs 130W rated. So thats 260W, right there. However, no CPU consumes the rated, so it's give or take ~260W.

    Each 5770 is ~108W, given two, that's ~216 W. Right off the bat we have ~476 W being consumed. Not bad; however let's look at the side where its not a dual 5770 setup.

    The PSU on the Mac Pro is rated for 980 W of power, but for simplicity sake let's say 1 kW. Now, factor in the Super drive, Ethernet, Airport, at least 1 HDD and peripheral docks/cards you are looking at ~100 W. Take into account a 20 W per 1GB of memory (assume 6GB) and you've got ~120 W more. So far ~ 220 W more.

    Now we have ~480 W [~260W + ~220W]consumption leaving only ~520 W left for a GPU. Currently, the HD 6970 requires 2x 8-pin connectors to provide 150 W per pin. That's 300W right off. So we are left with ~220 W in the system. Now, factor in that PCIe slot power draw at 75 W and we've got a ~145 W left over. ~145 W is cutting it too close and something will yield (yes I do realize 145 W is a lot more, but read on). Now, the sad part, we were assuming 1kW PSU which is not the case; it's 980 W meaning there will be less power, ~125 W. Now, also take into consideration no PSU is 100% efficient, hence there will be greater power outlet draw and the PSU will be operating at high voltage/amps and its life span will decrease dramatically over very high usage.

    In other words the current PSU may come up short. Add to that the fact that all current shipping and past model Mac Pros don't have extra dual 8-pin connectors. They have dual 6-pins. There is an adapter to make a 6-pin into an 8-pin, but it is risky at best, big no-no.

    So as you can see an HD 6970 would be barely supported on current models. Future models? Perhaps yes assuming Apple bumps to 1.1kW or 1.2kW PSU.

    Take into account this was calculated assuming 6GB of memory and 1 HDD, anymore RAM (20 W/1GB) or HDDs (10W/disc) and the consumption will go up. Also, assuming nothing is hooked up to peripheral ports; like a small external drive that draws 5-10 W.

    I have an 850 watt PSU in my gaming rig with a 4870x2 and custom coolers all around on the CPU, GPU, and case. I think your calculations are pretty close to correct if you wanted to run everything in the case at once. But that's not typical to run everything at max all at once. I suppose Apple might not want to get in the business of telling people it's okay to buy this honking huge GPU as long as you're not running a lot of extra hard drives and extra PCI-E cards.

    But, for people looking to simply drop in a fast GPU and not have a lot of extra bells and whistles (read: a gaming rig), they would be fine with 850 watts or so, even with a 6970. Or at least damn close.

    The tricky part with GPU's is that the high end units commonly exceed rated specifications at max load, so these calculations are tricky. And your point about running too close to your max is also a good one. It's fair to say that when you add up all your max dissipation, add 20% or so, and that's the wattage your PSU needs.

    Aug 16, 09:03 AM

    iBook G5 and PowerBook G5 Digitimes?

    Yah right.

    Sorry but I've had it with new iPod rumours. They'll come when they come and they won't be as revolutionary as we'd thought.

    Massively fed up now.
    Im with you Chundles. Go ahead and throw in the iPhone rumors with that too...

    I really wish Nintendo had thought harder about that name.

    Then again I should be thankful they didn't call it the Puu.


    Made me giggle;)

    Apr 3, 03:19 AM
    That's because the 'control' button acts like a four-finger gesture. Same applies to ctrl+left arrow and ctrl+right arrow.

    yeah, but for a keyboard ctrl-up to close is how it logically should be.. and i think Apple agreed. the first time i tried it i instinctively pressed ctrl-up again to close.

    anyone know if recent files in a closed app's dock menu are new? thats an awesome feature, like Windows 7's jump lists, which i really like.

    Jan 31, 03:44 PM
    2008 Honda Civic Si

    Most Civics look horrible. That one looks awesome.

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