viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011

The Ohio State Flower

The Ohio State Flower. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • Tmelon
    Apr 6, 04:35 PM
    I'm having major crashing problems with Lion. When editing a video in iMovie and converting it to HD it will crash right before finishing, same with editing an audio clip in Quicktime.

    The Ohio State Flower. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • Jonasgold
    Mar 23, 05:43 AM
    they won't ! iPod classic is the best selling for 

    On the last iPod event SJ said the best selling iPod used to be the nano and now is the Touch. I doubt it suddenly became the Classic.
    Highest profit per Unit Sold, that I might believe, but only because they no longer invest in updates/upgrades.

    The Ohio State Flower. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • jgould
    Feb 19, 08:09 PM
    Hasn't changed too much this time around: (

    I like the wall paper... Which Orbiter and where'd ya get it? :)

    The Ohio State Flower. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • ErikCLDR
    Feb 7, 04:32 PM
    2005 LR3 SE, mountain road in Northern New Hampshire

    Very nice, how's yours holding up?

    My parents have '07 LR3 and an '07 Range Rover sport. Both have been very reliable aside from some software issues in the RRS that were quickly sorted out. There have been a couple little things but overall they have been much more reliable than our previous Discoveries.

    We had an LR4 as a loaner and it's like night and day over the LR3. The interior is significantly nicer and the ride is smoother.

    The Ohio State Flower. %IMG_DESC_5%
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  • Turbojugend27
    Aug 7, 07:06 AM
    Pretty bold statement for Apple, I don't think I would use that quite yet. As for myself I am buying my first apple in a week or so and can't wait, I don't think Apple has a userbase yet to be making statements like that.

    The Ohio State Flower. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • lilo777
    Apr 3, 12:40 AM
    It was the brain scans..

    Like when your competitors can't compete on usability and applications, they talk about meaningless "features" no one actually cares about.

    Like when device can be useful with poor specs. Are you talking about those iPad 2 cameras? How useful are those with their embarrassing specs?

    The Ohio State Flower. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • thinkband
    Jan 13, 04:38 PM
    Actually, I think 'Macbook Air' has a ring to it. Especially if everyone knows what its all about. I.E.thin and small, slick and wireless.

    Personally, I would only buy a revised MBP. 15" is a pretty good size for me but a 13" would be nice if they made a new slim macbook pro.

    My prediction is that something introduced in MW will have heads turn. Whether it is a rental service (probable), slim notebook of some sort, or this touch book, people will be excited. I doubt there will be more than one big thing happening though. We'll see

    The Ohio State Flower. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • Compile 'em all
    Jul 19, 04:30 PM
    23% drop in desktop sales is surprising to me. Is it just due to people waiting for PowerMacs with Intels? It is not a good sign that higher iMac sales are not making up for it.

    This is actually the general trend in the computer market since the rise of
    portables against desktop machines. Portables are becoming increasingly
    powerful (computational-wise) up to the point that the line between them
    and Desktops is blurred.

    The Ohio State Flower. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • wmmk
    Nov 27, 05:30 PM
    I hope it happens. This would not only be great for Mac Mini buyers, but also laptop owners. We already have 13-17 inches of screen real estate, so 17 more sounds just about perfect! I just hope there'd be a non iSight option so that laptop users wouldn't be paying a premium for something they already paid for.

    The Ohio State Flower. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • xUKHCx
    Mar 25, 03:44 PM
    That looks really impressive, makes me want to buy an iPad 2 (or a playstation :D).

    The Ohio State Flower. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • Built
    Apr 3, 02:34 AM
    The way I write? This has anything to do with anything?

    And again, the "evidence" you keep suggesting exists does not represent what is actually the case. Even within this thread, there are several people telling you they have no issues with their device. I don't have any issues either.

    I hate to use the well known argument we often see on these forums, but you will almost always hear from the people who have issues with their products.

    You will almost never see threads or comments from people that don't really have a reason to exclaim to the world that their device is perfect. Thus, we see an inflation of negative threads as compared to positive threads, and ignorant people take this to mean there is a wide-spread and critical flaw with all of the devices. Also, the negative comment is more distinctive, and thus more memorable than the positive one- again adding to the illusion you seem to be buying into.

    It is, indeed, sad to see someone get so emotionally attached to a consumer product that they cannot admit to themselves that the product may have some flaws.

    You obviously need to relax. There is more to life than iPad.

    The Ohio State Flower. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • brad.c
    Nov 28, 10:00 AM
    Deep pockets or not, MS will have a struggle to find a niche. But at least they were smart enough to put in a radio.

    The Ohio State Flower. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • lordonuthin
    Mar 31, 04:17 PM
    yeah bigadv is great, as long as you have no errors, and a fast machine!

    yeah, you are probably right about the mac pro release date. it's too bad though. there are so many people wanting an updated mac pro, and will probably buy a pc instead. and i don't blame them really. it might be a good while before i buy another mac pro. it's hard to justify the price.

    you can always run the -oneunit flag and then after it finishes, update.

    i don't know, the GTX 480 even at $500 is pretty high. i think i'll wait on that. do you have a double wide slot?

    Speaking of errors I updated to 10.6.3 this afternoon and started having kernel panics:( I sent them both in to Apple so maybe we will have a fix soon. I did make some other changes and then removed them to see if that was it but then it was time to go to work... I'll see when I get home. I want to get Ganglia, or something else, up and running to have a way to check on things from work, but...

    The MacPro is getting quite expensive but I plan to sell my current one to offset the price, so hopefully I won't pay more than $500-1000 for the upgrade.

    I'll wait on the GTX480 too, it's tempting but I want to be able to use Linux and not pay for another copy of Windows, and yes I do have one double wide slot open though I could replace one of the GT260's with it and put the 260 in the "spare" slot.

    The Ohio State Flower. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • Unspeaked
    Sep 1, 02:05 PM
    How big and small an iMac would consumers actually want? 50"? 10"?

    Will we eventually see an ad with Verne Troyer and Yao Ming working side-by-side on their big and small desktop Macintoshes?

    I'd take a 72" iMac.

    Like some said earlier, anything above 23"s would be prfect as a TV replacement.

    You have the remote, the wi-fi, the DVD (possibly Blu Ray) player - who wouldn't want a 72" LCD TV that does all THAT and can also be used as a computer??

    The Ohio State Flower. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • PlipPlop
    Mar 25, 05:18 AM
    Do the macpros have a powersuppy with about an extra 500w for a 6970? And the 8 pin and 6 pci-e power ports?

    The Ohio State Flower. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • dscuber9000
    Mar 19, 09:11 PM
    Truth, as ever, is the first casualty of war, and nobody seems to care as long as they can fabricate a good narrative.

    Never have I seen worse reporting than on CBS when they went on for several minutes about how many bombs we're dropping over there, how Tripoli is in a state of warfare, etc. "And now let's cut to [name] who is actually in Tripoli:"

    "I've heard nothing. It's been total silence here. Definitely no bombs going off..?"

    *studio silence*

    The Ohio State Flower. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • twoodcc
    Nov 9, 04:03 AM
    Well it is not supported, same as running GPU on Linux... Only difference is that they are so many doing so that they figured it out...

    it's not supported?

    The Ohio State Flower. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • .Andy
    Aug 19, 08:58 AM
    Like I said, an iPod with a touch screen and a slide out QWERTY keyboard (a la MYLO) would be better and more portable than a laptop. As clunky as the PSP's interface is, the feature of surfing the net is still very useful and popular. Imagine how much better a MYLO iPod would be. The media player market is staurated, so if Apple intend to continue to do well they need to make the new iPod much more than a media player. Incorperating WiFi into an music/video player is almost pointless, yet is many time more useful if you can check mail, IM and surf the net. It's a natural evolution of what the iPod is. And other companies are beating Apple to it:

    I disagree with pretty much everything you said here Manic Mouse :D.

    I really hope the iPod doesn't go down the line of convergence/frankenstein/jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none. It's a solid music player and it's main priority should be as such. In my experience with work colleagues and parents/in-laws the iPod is almost bordering on being too difficult as it is just with just music and video. Many never bother with video or podcasts or even firmware updates because they perceive it to be too complex. Adding slide-out keyboards, larger/deeper navigation menus, wifi connections, and email configuration would probably push it over the edge as far as being too technologically intimidating for most. Not to mention the size sacrifice.

    Apple may bring something else to the market to compete if there really is a decent market for devices like the Mylo (which I'm personally not too sure there is).

    The Ohio State Flower. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • wolfboy
    Sep 30, 03:12 AM
    Yes, I've bought a clear (smoked) tpu case on eBay. Stay away from the clear ones, they leave watermarks on the back. Get the patterned ones. Fitment is kind of loose on some sides but good temp case until something good comes out. I'm waiting on the incase slider myself, just wish it didn't cost 35 bucks for a piece of plastic!

    Jan 13, 04:18 PM
    Come on, people!!
    In my opinion, their quote, "There's something in the air," is nothing other than an allusion to the fact that they're going to introduce a 3G iPhone. We have all known that this was coming eventually; Jobs even said that the only thing stopping them from introducing it was low battery life.

    Oct 17, 09:58 PM
    here's a case i bought off of ebay for 2 dollars. pretty plain

    Oct 2, 10:40 AM
    I intended to wait for the belkin's clear hard case to come out...
    Griffin has a clear polycarbonate case. Black.... Sides, and clear back. Durability of a case, customizable like a skin. Griffin Reveal.

    Aug 25, 04:02 PM
    A second white plastic box with some wires connected to a MiniMac for the media centre? That would be tacky...

    Instead, I'd expect The New Form-Factor Conroe Mini-Tower/Pizza-Box to be in a single black cabinet the size and shape of a DVD-player or other media component.

    The would leave room for two 3.5" drives (1500 GB today), the TV tuner and compressors, and room for good cooling with some very quiet fans.

    Would you expect anything less than great styling for the Apple media centre ?

    And the mini tower Mac rumors live on...Mini Tower Mac = PowerBook G5...:rolleyes:

    Nov 28, 10:00 PM
    lol i expect a large number of zune related auto crashes.

    it takes so long to get to where you want to go and to see what it is your picking you have tp serch for some visual heirachy that is not productive. ipod has this lower coeficecnt of visual digestion.

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