viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011

David Koma Logo

David Koma Logo. Posted by tata at 2:37 AM 0
  • Posted by tata at 2:37 AM 0

  • Tears Apart
    Mar 22, 04:00 PM
    I used to have a video 30Gb and then a Classic 160Gb and I have to say I love the specificity of this item. It needs a revamp, but I think that storage-wise 160Gb will stay since it's more than enough. My bet is that they'll make it thinner and add some cool feature which I can't guess, although it's easy to argue that the iPhone and the Touch are much more interesting than the Classic right now...

    David Koma Logo. David Koma VFS Vauxhall
  • David Koma VFS Vauxhall

  • theBB
    Jul 19, 04:33 PM
    This is actually the general trend in the computer market since the rise of
    portables against desktop machines. Portables are becoming increasingly
    powerful (computational-wise) up to the point that the line between them
    and Desktops is blurred.
    Yes, laptops are getting more popular, but I don't remember other companies losing 23% of desktop sales in one year. I guess Apple sells few computers to companies who might be buying a bigger share of desktops nowadays, but still...

    David Koma Logo.

  • ciaran00
    Jun 23, 11:23 AM
    This doesn't sound like Apple at all. I call shenanigans.

    And HP Touchsmart sucks (to me).

    David Koma Logo. from David Koma#39;s Fall#39;09
  • from David Koma#39;s Fall#39;09

  • aiqw9182
    Mar 24, 04:58 PM
    I am not interested in Windows APIs. That's how the hardware capabilities are referred to. OpenGL has tended to lag in new features, so if the hardware has extra capabilities, it will probably support some future OpenGL version too.
    OpenGL is much more like Direct3D. A part of DirectX. DirectX is just a collection of multiple API's. DirectSound is like OpenAL for example. The equivalent to OpenCL is DirectCompute.

    You seem to think that DirectX 10.1 cards can't support OpenCL. Well newsflash, they can. DirectX is irrelevant in this conversation not only because it has nothing to do with Mac OS X but because it also has nothing to do with what you're associating it with.

    David Koma Logo. David Koma:
  • David Koma:

  • joeboy_45101
    Aug 29, 10:02 AM
    Apple upgrading the Mini with Yonah processors makes the most sense. The Mini is all about being affordable; I hate it when people use the word cheap, cheap is the crap you buy at Wal-Mart the mini is not cheap. We probably won't see a Core 2 Mini until but that just fine for me because that's when the Intel GMA X3000 will be ready. Coupling a Core 2 Duo processor with a GMA X3000 will give the Mini a lot of punch.

    This is how I predict the product lines will look by the end of the year:

    Yonah --> Mac Mini & MacBook
    Merom --> MacBook Pro
    Conroe --> iMac
    Xeon --> Mac Pro & Xserve

    David Koma Logo. David Koma staged a confident
  • David Koma staged a confident

  • skiltrip
    Oct 5, 08:25 PM
    Glad you're getting one!! It fits really well and won't slip out compared to the silicone case. I don't understand why Belkin can't make some normal colors, though. The bright colors look nice, but I would NOT want to be seen around with it under certain occasions. ;)

    Best Buy ended up screwing me. I went to pick up the Night Sky grip vue, and they had the pink one pulled for me. Then they went to look for the 2 Night Sky ones they said they had in stock, but they found nothing. So I walked out empty handed. But I did go back today and pick up the Aqua colored one because they went on sale for 19.99. I don't hate the Aqua, don't love it either though. If the Night Sky ends up in stock in the next 30 days, I'm exchanging it. But for now, I like the case, just want the volume buttons to loosen up a bit. And I got tired of the Hong Kong silicone collection I had bought for it. Feels good to have a case that's easy on and off, that stays on, grips in the hands, but slides in the pocket.

    David Koma Logo. David Koma#39;s work a great
  • David Koma#39;s work a great

  • roland.g
    Sep 1, 01:45 PM
    One more thing... they'll change the name from iMac to Mac, bringing a perfect symmetry to their product line-up:

    Mac Pro

    MacBook Pro

    Umm, no. They would have changed the name in January when they did the MBP and went intel. The i will stay because it is the internet or integrated Mac

    David Koma Logo. David Koma
  • David Koma

  • AppliedVisual
    Nov 17, 12:37 PM
    It's not the future... these kind of over-architected solutions never win. I predict CPUs, memory and memory controllers will become more tightly integrated over time, not less. FB-DIMM will be gone is a few years.

    FB-DIMMs aren't going to disappear anytime soon -- not in the next few years anyway. There currently is nothing better or more reliable for installing 16GB or more in a system without dividing up RAM into multiple, independent banks and controllers, often on a per-CPU base (as is done on current NUMA, AMD Opteron and other offerings from Sun, IBM, etc..).

    Probably won't see FB-DIMM style RAM on systems like the iMac anytime soon, no need for it. But for now, it's what makes the most sense for Mac Pro and Xserve.

    IMO, what Apple really needs is a system between the Mac Pro and iMac. A smaller tower or cube style system with a single Kentsfield or Clovertown CPU with 2 or 3 PCI-E slots, two HDD bays, optical bay and using cheaper, more conventional RAM - like up to 8GB DDR2. Apple is ignoring an entire segment of the market and it seems like they're trying to use the small difference in price between a maxed-out 24" iMac and a relatively low-end Mac Pro as justification for nothing in the middle.

    David Koma Logo. David Koma Fall 2009 dress
  • David Koma Fall 2009 dress

  • SciFrog
    Nov 8, 07:04 PM
    bigadv are not available on windows but many are running virtual machines...

    David Koma Logo. LFW 09 – David Koma – The
  • LFW 09 – David Koma – The

  • baryon
    Mar 22, 06:54 PM
    Glad they don't plan to discontinue it. I'm not the kind of person who would buy one, but I like the way it looks! I like that it's the only mechanical music player Apple makes, it's the only one that doesn't follow the rest with Flash memory, Touch Screens, Cameras, WiFi, etc... It's just the good old iPod Classic and it's designed for music and not much else. It's one of those "Pro" products that only have one function, but they do that one function very well.

    David Koma Logo. David Koma at London Fashion
  • David Koma at London Fashion

  • kdarling
    Apr 21, 03:52 PM
    Think about it, no complaints about the cheating but about being caught!!! Just where is the sense of proportion and focus on the real issues???

    This is not just about catching cheaters or even your own kids sneaking out of town. (Although I bet all sorts of relationship problems are going to come out of people checking this file. Yikes.)

    There is the good possibility that people's lives will be put in danger, simply because the info is so easy to get.

    A battered or divorced spouse comes to mind. Sync their phone and find out where their safe house is.

    Not to mention how many undercover agents or rebels across the world right now are cringing and wondering if anyone has gotten access to their movements.

    David Koma Logo. Koma should have no fear about
  • Koma should have no fear about

  • satcomer
    Jun 23, 11:01 AM
    If the put touch into iMac then my arm will become tired from reaching up to the screen for hours on end surfing.

    David Koma Logo. Koma admits that he has been
  • Koma admits that he has been

  • Shaun.P
    Jul 19, 03:43 PM
    This is excellent. iPod sales are slowing down however this is to be expected. Nice to see the Mac sales well above the million mark.

    David Koma Logo. David Koma
  • David Koma

  • DoFoT9
    Mar 5, 05:17 PM
    this is for F@H right? im keen to start up with my numerous amounts of computers.

    where do i start? everything is all console based :(

    oh wait its an installer thingo.. it wants a key hekp1

    David Koma Logo. David Koma#39;s been the talk of
  • David Koma#39;s been the talk of

  • ipedro
    Apr 12, 08:41 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I used to think just like you until I sat down and used it. You should give it a try. It is a very powerful editor.

    I know this thread is probably full of pro video geeks so don't eat me alive here. What's the primary difference between FCP and Express aside from the fact that Final Cut Pro is packaged in a suite of applications?

    David Koma Logo. David Koma, fall 2010
  • David Koma, fall 2010

  • Scarlet Fever
    Oct 23, 07:42 AM
    can't wait for the "my C2D MBP isn't much faster than my old CD MBP; Why did you make us wait, Apple?!?!" threads to emerge

    ill just sit here, blissfully working away on my excessivly powerful baseline MacBook... :D

    David Koma Logo. Beyonce David Koma
  • Beyonce David Koma

  • twoodcc
    Dec 19, 01:11 AM
    i may add some more over the break

    nice. i doubt i'll add anymore over the break. i'm about at my limit i think

    Cool, you are getting away from me again... but that's a good thing! :p

    yep, a good thing for sure. we are doing better as a team for real now. just gotta keep people interested and involved

    David Koma Logo. David Koma
  • David Koma

  • dr Dunkel
    Mar 24, 02:38 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; sv-se) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    6970 iMac... wouldn't that be something...

    David Koma Logo. Beyonce-Shingai-David-Koma
  • Beyonce-Shingai-David-Koma

  • econgeek
    Apr 12, 08:46 PM
    I just finished reading the old thread, only to discover that there was a new story on MacRumors and a new thread... so here's my comments:

    For context, I started cutting film back when I had two reels and a viewer in the middle... and I had to hand crank it to preview. Cutting involved a nice razor embedded in plastic and a splice was a fancy piece of tape with sprocket holes in it. I am a software developer and I've long lamented how early editing software has always been based on just replicating the film process electronically.

    Then I started to meet the Video People. Video People are much of the industry- the editors for TV news, the editors for TV programs, the wedding photographers. Just about everbody but filmmakers, but also including a lot of the lower end film production support (eg: editing houses.) The Video People have been taught rules of thumb. They are not very technical. They know how it is "supposed" to work because that's what they learned in colllege or at their first jobs. They are all stuck in specific workflows and specific ways of doing things.

    They output to tape because they cannot grasp the concept that tape became obsolete a decade ago (and the ones who can grasp it are stuck dealing with others who demand delivery and archive on tape.)

    These are the same people who think that iMovie was a joke when it was reworked. I loved it. I was happy to see a tiny, little step forward in working with video. Apple thought just a smidgen different and people went crazy. Sure it had less features than the previous one-- but creativity was so unleashed that the minor hassle of working around those features not being built in was no big deal.

    I think Apple is skating to where the puck is. Apple is going to release a Final Cut focused on the direction the industry is heading. If Apple does its job right, the Video People will be screaming their heads off. But the 20 year olds who don't know anything but "want to make movies" (and are more serious than those willing to limit themselves to iMovie) will take it and start cutting the next generation of indie features.

    Maybe Apple will provide all the features the Video People are threatening to switch to Avid if they don't get (as if it is some sort of a hostage demand -- "I'm going to post to macrumors forums and threaten to switch to Avid! That will teach them!". I've met many people in many industries but the Video People are the most rigid, the least genuinely understanding of technology and the most fixated on rules of thumb and rigid perspectives about How Things Should Work. Seriously, computer illiterate grease monkies are more flexible and open to new technology, in my experience. The Video People think they are Pros (because hey earn a salary) and therefore, anything that causes them to stretch or adjust or re-think the processes they use is "bad". The idea that something might be more efficient or produce a better quality result seems unfathomable.

    If Apple has spent the last several years working on something signficant (which is the implication of the claims Apple has "abandoned their pro products") then the Video People are going to be screaming bloody murder in a couple hours. I look forward to it.

    (PS- I didn't call anyone in this thread a Video People. You can choose to take offense if you wish, but I'm talking about people I've met and had to work with in the industry, not posters to this thread whom I do not know personally.)

    Mar 25, 06:08 PM
    This is cool to look at, but it's just a workaround for what should be happening... the Apple TV should run apps / play games. It's an iOS device. There's no need to get crazy with wires hanging off the side of an iPad.

    While I like seeing developers getting creative like this, I don't consider this mainstream gaming. An iPad 2 is $500. A PlayStation 3 is much cheaper.

    Jan 13, 01:52 AM
    this is crap,

    no one in their right mind would make something with 0 ports, you have to at a bare minimum have an audio out.

    I agree that it probably won't have no ports, I think it will at least have 1 USB and 1 Firewire, but other than that everything could be done wirelessly, and if Apple wants to make the notebook thinner than the ports are then they may use their patent for collapsible ports that they made a while back.

    Sep 14, 08:50 AM
    This story gets buried in the blog and a story of ninja stars makes page one? No Apple bias here. :rolleyes:

    Laird Knox
    Mar 27, 01:38 AM
    OH noooos, you gots me theres. ;) It's not exactly easy to takes 'some' of me toys with me, but as a trade off I get an absolutely superior experience on all fronts. There are NO compromises to my controls. I get top notch visuals now that are much better than what can be done on dated consoles like the PS3 and 360, and at a much higher frame rate.

    I have an iPad, I'm getting an iPad 2 for compatibility testing. I have a great phone that's similar to my iPad performance wise -- which I can plug a Wiimote into and play a ton of old games. I have a DS and I'm getting a 3DS.

    I have portability for entertainment and there's nothing stoping me from bringing my PC, wheel, etc. to my friend's place, something I've done.

    Who care's if the future iPad is up to par with a 360 visually as an example, it will still be subpar compared to my PC now and chances are it will still lack proper inputs.

    If I wan to play a casual exploration game, a time killer, something that has fun direct interaction like World of Goo, I'll pull out my iPad. But for racing or any game that just plays better with a mouse, a wheel, a flightstick, and so on, I really can't care that my iPad or any future version is portable, if it makes playing these types of games lame.

    Oh yay! These forums attract the angry Microsoft supporters, Android yahoos and now the rabid gamers are feeling insecure. We should all petition Apple to stop making compelling devices!

    Nov 23, 06:46 PM
    My shoes arrived! (:

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