viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011

Valentine Heart Images

Valentine Heart Images. stock photo : Valentine heart
  • stock photo : Valentine heart

  • Coolvirus007
    Jul 18, 11:15 AM
    A major consumer announcement at a developers conference? Not gonna happen. End of story!

    I agree with this comment. There is no way a developer conference would be used as an announcement for ipods

    Valentine Heart Images. Candles, Valentine Heart
  • Candles, Valentine Heart

  • Evangelion
    Jul 20, 05:00 AM
    Gah. The Linux community doesn't want to unify. In fact, not unifying is the core of their philosophy.

    You do realize that you are full of crap? There is acautlly quite a bit work being done in order to unify various areas of Linux.

    It's why there are 415 distributions (none of which are compatible with each other)

    Again: you do realize that you are full of crap? There are handful of distributions that matter, rest are more or lesss niche. The ones that matter are (IMO): Fedora/Red Hat, SUSE, Ubuntu, Debian and Gentoo. Of those, Ubuntu and Debian are quite compatible with each other.

    9,843 window managers (none of which have remotely similar configuration options), and 3.43x10^15 terminal emulators (none of which actually emulate terminals any better or worse than any other one).

    Maybe they realized that "one size does NOT fit all"? Why should there be just WM, just one editor, just one browser, just one email-client etc. etc.?

    Yes, Linux has several options to choose from. And is that a bad thing? Is it a good thing to cram some specific thing down users throatts without gicing them the option to choose? It has two primary GUI's (with several smaller ones floating around as well): GNOME and KDE. And while they are both GUI's, they are both sufficiently different that they do not overlap as much. They have different architecture behind them, different design-goals, different ideology... And they cater to different types of users. I have used both, and I can appreciate the strengths of either of them.

    Valentine Heart Images. Coloring page Valentine heart
  • Coloring page Valentine heart

  • stevehp
    Oct 23, 09:32 AM

    That no longer exists. Go to the mbp page and click the core duo icon, and I get a page not found.

    This will probably change by the time anyone verifies it. :rolleyes:

    not working for me either!

    Valentine Heart Images. stock vector : Valentine Heart
  • stock vector : Valentine Heart

  • dr Dunkel
    Apr 20, 02:54 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; sv-se) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    2. HDMI out

    Why would be ever see this on an iMac? Mac mini, yes (it was overdue). iMac, never.

    HDMI-in would be nice :-)

    Valentine Heart Images. Shattered red Valentine heart
  • Shattered red Valentine heart

  • Mattsasa
    Mar 24, 02:49 PM
    Please don't put an AMD 5XXX series into the new iMacs! :(

    Why not????

    Valentine Heart Images. Coloring page valentine heart
  • Coloring page valentine heart

  • epicwelshman
    Aug 29, 08:56 AM
    I think it's ridiculous to not put a Core 2 Duo chip into the Mini. While I'm not waiting for Merom, to upgrade one of your machines with a faster version of the same soon-to-be-out-of-date chip is silly.

    Valentine Heart Images. Valentine heart and wings
  • Valentine heart and wings

  • DualShock
    Mar 24, 03:09 PM
    Um, I believe credit for this should actually go to netkas:

    He (with rominator) reported over a week ago that the 10.6.6 build with the ThunderBook Pro's can drive PC Radeon 6xxx cards as is.

    Valentine Heart Images. Gold Valentine Heart Vector
  • Gold Valentine Heart Vector

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Sep 6, 12:25 PM
    Hmmm... I wouldnt be surprised if we will see a Mac Media (beefed up mini with 3.5'' HD and TV tuner) released the 12th to go with the Movie store.
    Three iMacs. Why not three Mac minis?

    Valentine Heart Images. All Free valentine#39;s day
  • All Free valentine#39;s day

  • ChaunceyRC
    Apr 2, 09:32 PM
    Great ad, now on to WWDC!

    Valentine Heart Images. Sweet candy valentine#39;s heart
  • Sweet candy valentine#39;s heart

  • retrospek
    Jan 2, 04:58 PM
    I really hope the iTV will stream internet radio as well as iTunes stuff..

    I can then replace my Roku with it...

    Valentine Heart Images. shiny Valentine heart
  • shiny Valentine heart

  • skellener
    Apr 12, 09:06 PM
    Does anyone else think there will also be an update to QT X as well? Probably one of the most useless tools on the Mac right now. QTPro is still more useful for work. Just the idea that the buttons cover up the picture at all makes QTX pretty useless. I hope to see a real QTPro X. Bring back the FRAME counter (not just time) and get those controls OFF the picture!!!

    Valentine Heart Images. Valentine Heart Puzzle
  • Valentine Heart Puzzle

  • daneoni
    Aug 7, 03:27 AM
    Anyone got any ideas of when the keynote starts in the good ol UK?, i'm guessing 6pm ish?

    Valentine Heart Images. i heart fredflare!!! get your
  • i heart fredflare!!! get your

  • aswitcher
    Jan 11, 05:17 PM
    like i submitted and you ignored completely...they are of the aluminum build which would make it appear to be on the PRO side. Why would they build something identical to the current macbook???

    Because its not going to be identical.

    Neither will have built in superdrive, but will have the same external model.

    Pro machine will have additional stuff like backlit keyboard, FW800, graphics card. Probably be even smaller and lighter. Maybe have a touch screen.

    They will be quite clearly different and $ differences as well.

    Valentine Heart Images. Truffles Valentine Heart,
  • Truffles Valentine Heart,

  • Cygnus311
    Sep 7, 10:17 AM
    Low priced rentals only for me please. Not paying the same price for a movie as I can get the DVD for in stores, not to mention it needs to be playable on people's big HDTV's (which I'm sure they're aware of).

    Valentine Heart Images. roses and valentine heart
  • roses and valentine heart

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 10, 06:52 PM
    And two-seaters?? :eek: Well, let's not go there.

    Hey, my Street Bob is a 2 seater. :mad:

    Valentine Heart Images. Valentine Heart
  • Valentine Heart

  • Epsilon88
    Oct 23, 10:32 PM
    Just subscribed online w/ Consumer Reports. I've always trusted their advice, and it's led me well.

    Valentine Heart Images. Valentine Heart Vector Graphic
  • Valentine Heart Vector Graphic

  • viperguy
    Aug 29, 01:55 PM
    The discussion in thinksecret is so fun at the moment, you can't even imagine how.
    Basically everyone was talkin about it's video card, how it should be upgraded and things like that
    But then these messages came into topic

    I think the Mac mini has a future as long as they can get a better video output and a DVR.

    It'd be great if they added a nuclear reactor.

    Will it include a pony?

    Coments? Mine: LOL

    Valentine Heart Images. Valentine Hearts Coloring
  • Valentine Hearts Coloring

  • regandarcy
    Apr 19, 11:06 AM
    I can't wait! My G5 iMac has officially died and gone to that big computer desk in the sky. It served me well for 5 years, but it's over. Darn thang won't even turn on anymore. I hear the apple start up chime, but the screen stays black and then the iMac just shuts off. But even if I could fix it, it's so old it can't run the latest OSX or even play HD movies.'s time to buy a new iMac.

    I'm hoping that the next update sees i7s across the line...even the 21.5" models. I expect thunderbolt too since the MacBook pros got it. Other things on my wish list would be for them to include that rumored flash start up drive as standard....but I'm not holding my breath. It would be great if the 21.5" model got the same ability as the 27" to be used as an external monitor. That way in 5 years or more when it becomes unable to run the latest software, you can still use it as a second monitor. :-)

    I like the 27" features, it's just a tad too big. Actually the rumor about Apple adding a 24" size back to the iMac lineup would be PERFECT. But again...not gonna count on it.

    Valentine Heart Images. Valentine Heart
  • Valentine Heart

  • swingerofbirch
    Jul 18, 02:45 AM
    I think there already are online download rental sites, presumably for WMP a la Windows.

    Rental makes more sense if the quality is comparable to the current shows they offer. Plus if you buy a movie, with the restrictions the way they are, you most likely won't be able to burn it to a DVD to watch on the plasmas everyone seems to be getting.

    And if this truly is a service for some sort of iPod, then they won't be offering HD movies unless of course by some miracle they have an HD screen in the iPod (although HD at any conceivably sized iPod screen would be a waste).

    I actually would like a subscription service for both movies and TV shows. I have spent way more than I care to think about on TV series, and honestly I can only watch them but so many times. What do I do with them now? I "own" them, but as we all know, I can't sell them.

    Tubby The Bull
    Oct 23, 08:49 AM
    Hi folks!

    I've read Macrumors every day for years, so I figure I may as well start participating :)

    Last Friday, we took our Nov'05 PowerBook into the local Apple dealer to trade it in for a MBP. We've been with particular dealer for over 10 years, so there is a good trust/freindship thing going on. Anyhow, the dealer told us he expects new MBP models within 10 days, so he is holding our order until Halloween.

    He's been right before, so we have a pretty good feeling about October 31st.

    Obviously, it can't be verified... I'm just relaying the info I've been given.

    Don't flame me - I'm a friendly Canuk :p


    Oct 23, 11:50 AM
    Updates are expected very soon boys and ghouls! My dealer at a Mac Online Store just sent me an e-mail announcing a $100+ price drop on MacBook Pro laptops.

    Oct 23, 10:22 AM
    This update had best show up w/ an updated GPU (256 X1600 standard at least), otherwise the ~10% performance increase and other oddball tidbits is hardly worth it.

    I'm starting to think I'm gonna sit this one out, as on the edge of my seat I have been for some time. But at this rate, goodness knows when the next update will be. Back to my TiBook I go.

    Nov 15, 09:46 AM
    From what I am reading so far, the real benefit of 8 cores in the real world of a minority of applications being truly well threaded, is the ability to run 2-4 large complicated programs simultaneously, multiple instances of programs (some have talked about running 4 copies of handbrake), and multiple OS's simultaneously.

    All those things also require vast amounts of memory as well, so a MacPro or X-serve is the only way to go now to addres 16GB+.

    Apple has always had memory crippled computers on the low end. If they could do ONE thing in the coming 64 bit world, I would ask them to make the motherboards at least be able to address FUTURE RAM options as the cost always drops rapidly and the requirements always seem to be predominantly ram based.


    Mar 30, 09:18 PM
    Full screens apps now have a transition-drop down menubar rather than one that covers up the top of the application now.
    Care to upload a screenshot? (only and only if you feel comfortable)

    P.S. Are we allowed to ask questions in this thread?

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