viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011

Duke Nukem 3d Wallpaper

Duke Nukem 3d Wallpaper. Duke Mp3 - click here
  • Duke Mp3 - click here

  • paulsalter
    May 4, 02:07 AM

    Duke Nukem 3d Wallpaper. 3D Realms News: Duke Nukem
  • 3D Realms News: Duke Nukem

  • Bonsai1214
    Sep 19, 08:56 PM
    solid. probably going to go for that grip vue. got a question about it though. does it have direct access to the buttons, or does it have a button you press that presses on the button? i hope you guys understand. haha.

    Duke Nukem 3d Wallpaper. Duke Nukem 3D till iPhone
  • Duke Nukem 3D till iPhone

  • Kenso
    Mar 22, 03:48 PM
    They should make brief questions to Steve Jobs the same way he answers:

    Q: Apple killing iPod?

    Sent from my iPhone

    A: We have no plans to

    Sent from my iPhone


    Duke Nukem 3d Wallpaper. Duke Nukem Forever hd
  • Duke Nukem Forever hd

  • mikemac11
    May 2, 06:18 PM
    This article is misleading. It doesn't uninstall anything. Just removes the app from LaunchPad list.

    Duke Nukem 3d Wallpaper. Duke Nukem 3D
  • Duke Nukem 3D

  • Eddyisgreat
    Apr 2, 07:50 PM
    Did any of you notice the obnoxious in your face music in the background obviously designed to detract your attention away from the product?

    How about the "Screen Images Simulated" tagline that lets people know that we basically spruced up everything you saw in After Effects and you won't get the same effect?

    What about the line by line jabs at competitors products that make the viewer feel unsure about just how useful the product is if they need to refer to a competitors product to make a point.

    ....yeah. I didn't notice any of that either.

    Nicely done :apple:.

    Duke Nukem 3d Wallpaper. Wallpaper Duke Nukem HD
  • Wallpaper Duke Nukem HD

  • BillyShears
    Jan 12, 08:17 AM
    People here seem to want to condone ANY decision Apple may wish to make. Already people seem to be defensive on the "MacBook Air" name which is probably just a rumor and also seem to be defensive of Apple's decision to remove the optical drive - something we don't even know will happen! People are defensive of Apple's decision to ship the new Mac Pros with the 8800GT and not something of higher spec, people are defensive of Apple's decision not to release a mid-tower.

    I don't see how the external optical drive falls into the category of things to be "defended." The others, sure, because you don't have the choice of the name, the graphics card, or mid-tower. But so far the rumours suggest the external optical drive is optional (as in, buy a MacBook or MacBook Pro with built-in drive - this isn't across the product line). What I see are people hoping for a feature: a lighter notebook.

    Duke Nukem 3d Wallpaper. Duke Nukem 3D Clan |OG|: Xduke
  • Duke Nukem 3D Clan |OG|: Xduke

  • iToaster
    Jan 12, 01:48 PM
    I'm pretty sure Lord Steve is sitting back with a cup of coffee reading all this and laughing.

    Duke Nukem 3d Wallpaper. Duke Nukem 3D Polymer HRP
  • Duke Nukem 3D Polymer HRP

  • poppe
    Aug 24, 11:18 PM
    i was looking at dell and could not make one comparable.

    thanks i'll check cnet

    That is some thing like the mac mini. if you watch the video it also mentions another small form factor PC. - Hope this helps!! -- 107 small form factore PC's to choose and compare, including G4 mini and Intel mini

    Duke Nukem 3d Wallpaper. Duke Nukem 3D Patch
  • Duke Nukem 3D Patch

  • twoodcc
    Apr 16, 09:07 PM
    congrats to SciFrog for 6 million points! (with MR team)

    Duke Nukem 3d Wallpaper. Duke Nukem 3D Polymer HRP 4.2
  • Duke Nukem 3D Polymer HRP 4.2

  • twoodcc
    Jan 28, 07:58 PM
    I've lost 2 big units lately for the same reason, power loss & reboots and another one wasn't picked up in stats :confused:

    It's hard to stay interested but it really doesn't take any effort to keep going. Maybe too many discover performance issues after they start and only have their main machine to fold with? Maybe as people get newer machines with multiple cores there will be fewer dropouts due to perfomance problems... which reminds me of one of my pet peeves - everyone talks about how not very many applications can take advantage of multi core machines - multiple aplications CAN take advantage of multiple cores... and thus performance is vastly improved when running many apps. my two cents - get as many cores as you can! :D

    sorry you lost some units.

    i think people get tired of letting their computer fold, and quit folding to be able to use it normally. that, and lack of interest around here

    Duke Nukem 3d Wallpaper. Screenshots: Duke
  • Screenshots: Duke

  • RITZFit
    Jan 22, 09:01 PM
    Never heard of that brand.

    They make racing and sport seats

    Duke Nukem 3d Wallpaper. Duke Nukem 3D
  • Duke Nukem 3D

  • JurgenWigg
    Nov 15, 01:04 PM
    How long before it ends up in the MacBook Pro?

    Right after the G5 powermac!

    Duke Nukem 3d Wallpaper. Duke Nukem 3D. It is a 3D
  • Duke Nukem 3D. It is a 3D

  • camomac
    Sep 6, 07:04 PM
    i really hope this is not true, i mean, c'mon for that much money i'd rather buy the DVD.
    so it cost $9.99 - 14.99 for the movie, plus how much more for the wasted space on my hard drive.
    after a while i'll have a $300. drive full of movies, minus the artwork, and have paid way more just to waste hours downloading them... this does not seem to add up.

    netflix seems way more appealing, sorry apple.

    Duke Nukem 3d Wallpaper. Duke Nukem: Duke Nukem Photos,
  • Duke Nukem: Duke Nukem Photos,

  • person135
    Oct 30, 01:08 PM
    I need a case too :(

    I'm looking for a case that can protect from drops/falls and shocks. Screen cover is not necessary, because if the case doesn't come with one I can always buy a separate screen protector.

    right now I'm looking at stuff like this case listed on amazon (

    but I don't feel safe with just some random generic case, so does anyone have any recommendations? I've heard otterbox offers good cases with drop/shock protection, but there are none for the itouch 4g right now.

    For price, as low as possible, but I would be willing to shell out 30 for a good case (like otterbox!)

    oh and did I mention that drop/shock protection is important? :D

    any recommendations are good

    thx guys

    Duke Nukem 3d Wallpaper. The Duke Nukem 3D Level Design
  • The Duke Nukem 3D Level Design

  • ObsidianIce
    Jul 19, 06:55 PM
    Ahhh, as a loyal user, and stockholder this is what i like to hear. And i agree it is nice to personally be able to say that you've helped!

    Duke Nukem 3d Wallpaper. Duke-Nukem-Ringtone
  • Duke-Nukem-Ringtone

  • jxyama
    Mar 19, 03:29 PM
    this is exactley why marketshare has dwindled for Mac, they tell you its our way ( powermac) or if you dont submit then we will cripple the Hell out of the othermacs and leave you wanting, so the worlds says screw you Apple and buys a PC with everything they want in it and makes do with a OS that is less then perfect. This is why Apples new computer sales went to 1.7% of all new sales. Apple is a dictator mini monopoly.

    i highly doubt that many computer buyers even look at Macs.

    i don't think they look at iMacs or eMacs and think that they are crippled compared to PMs and decide to go get dells instead. i simply don't believe that many of them go that far.

    most of them "know" computers as running windows and purchased from dell catalog they get with their newspaper each week.

    if they know anything about Macs at all, they know Macs as expensive and upon seeing that the base model eMacs cost $800, they go back to ordering $400 dell.

    mac's marketshare has dwindled - that's a fact - but i don't think it's because customers think iMacs and eMacs are crippled computers. i think it's because they are simply unaware of Macs or think they are too expensive, period, not in comparison to PMs.

    Duke Nukem 3d Wallpaper. Believe it or not, Duke Nukem
  • Believe it or not, Duke Nukem

  • Stella
    Jul 18, 09:58 AM
    I like to know that I can listen to (or view) my music on my schedule, at my convenience, on my time. If someone's telling me that I've got to hew to THEIR schedule, then it's just ceased being convenient.

    Thanks, but I'll pass.

    Apple are allowed to change their minds about the purpose of iPod / iTunes ( just like a woman , as we keep on being reminded! ) :-)

    When you rent a movie from Rogers, blockbusters etc, you watch the movie to their schedule...

    Duke Nukem 3d Wallpaper. Duke Nukem !
  • Duke Nukem !

  • mdelaney123
    Oct 23, 07:04 PM

    hope that's true, but I also hope the 17 will be updated at the same time.

    I had a 17" MacBook Pro and I ended up selling it... I use it as a passenger in a car every day and the lid is so big, combined with the hing being loose (compared to a 15") that every bump in the road, the lid would close!!!

    So... I too and hoping for an updated 15" tomorrow... PLEASE let there be a new GPU !!!

    Duke Nukem 3d Wallpaper. Duke Nukem 3D Atomic Edition
  • Duke Nukem 3D Atomic Edition

  • Bodhi395
    Jun 22, 12:47 PM
    I don't see this happening in the next year or two, and certainly not in the next 60 days.

    I agree with some others that the implementation of a dual operating system would be clunky and I can't imagine Apple making such a mash up. Apple is all about simplicity, and I don't see this happening until they can make a simple user interface.

    I also think the current design of the iMac would be horrible for a touch interface since its vertical, and a touch interface iMac would need to be flat or slightly slanted.

    Apr 12, 09:05 PM
    So are there any live updates?

    follow @fcpsupermeet on twitter for updates. They are running through the history of Final Cut and moving into the new version.

    Sep 17, 08:08 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Do you suggest any cheap good quality silicon cases on eBay other than the one above?

    Apr 11, 10:46 AM
    Learned to drive using a manual transmission and for about 15 years afterwards all of my cars were manuals. Been driving automatics for the past several years - it's fine, but I do miss the "fun" of driving a manual and would love to have one again. As some have noted, it's getting more difficult to find manual transmissions in the US, especially with the suburban "mom" cars I drive these days :D

    I recall going over with a friend to the UK and renting a car to drive from London to Edinburgh to Wales and back to London again. It was a manual transmission and at first I was :eek: at the idea of driving a stick with my left hand, but it actually worked out quite fine.

    Apr 26, 07:31 PM
    anyone else getting a little bit fed up of apples lawsuits?

    Count me in there.
    Apple have become Big Brother and Big Bully lately.
    In the past they trod more lightly.

    Mar 26, 04:00 AM
    While professionals can say bye bye to nVidia's CUDA processing and PhysX.

    ATI/AMD is doing what they can, developing an OpenCL driven bullet physics port to Maya but they always seem to be one step behind - announcing a plugin for Maya 2011 in the same week that Autodesk announced that nVidia Physx is being integrated directly into Maya 2012 with real time physx cloth deformation, rigid body dynamics, and physx accelerated calculations for DMM destruction.

    On the windows side, 3ds Max is getting Physx integration, too. Open CL is cool but it's got some ground to make up in the application world.

    If you refer to my prior post in this thread, I too am a professional 3D content creator. As things stand currently, all software I use take better advantage of nVidia compared to ATI. Most of what I use prefer "CUDA" cores and eventually more "PhysX" integration.

    This is why I can no longer use Apple at all in my work, I can not come close to getting what I can from a pair of 580 GTX factory OC cards in SLI for a Mac Pro. In fact, most of what Apple offers is still behind the curve.

    It is the single area where Apple fails and I know from attending conferences that most of the big names simply don't care because they do not have enough users on that platform to matter. Don't get me wrong, I still think Apple is great for most all other areas and I recommend them to family and friends. But for the 3D professional market, there is no way I can use Apple without making many sacrifices.

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