jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011

stick people holding hands around world

stick people holding hands around world. Stick People Holding Hands
  • Stick People Holding Hands

  • AvSRoCkCO1067
    Aug 15, 02:09 PM
    Aww, no more blue filling up URL bar in Safari?

    I agree - I'm not a huge fan of the pie that's used in iWeb. Definitely prefer the blue filling up the URL bar...:(


    stick people holding hands around world. We need to discover who would
  • We need to discover who would

  • Waybo
    Apr 6, 09:02 PM
    Chip, captain of the Far Tortuga. George Town, Grand Cayman Island. Our sail on his 43 ft x 20 ft. catamaran, "Far Tortuga," and swimming with the stingrays, was the highlight of our week-long Western Caribbean cruise. http://stingraysailing.com/

    Nikon D3100 w/ Tamron AF 18-270mm f/3.5-6.3
    ISO 110, 60mm, .33 ev, f/5, 1/200.
    Shutter priority. Hand held. Built-in flash. Polarizing filter.


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  • holding hands around earth

  • SchneiderMan
    Sep 12, 09:44 PM
    Rented Lucky Number Slevin in HD. Amazing movie!! I really loved it.


    I love me some Lucy Liu now :D


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  • Stick+people+holding+hands

  • 0815
    Apr 14, 07:42 AM
    It's the Verizon iPhone ... oh no, wait .... it's the white iPhone !


    stick people holding hands around world. Stick People Holding Hands
  • Stick People Holding Hands

  • AndroidfoLife
    Apr 12, 05:11 PM
    its all good. the bionic will be out soon.

    I kind of want to switch to verizon just for that phone. But i hate CDMAs so its a touch choice.


    stick people holding hands around world. People Holding Hands Around
  • People Holding Hands Around

  • jessep28
    Oct 19, 11:33 PM


    Just because people won't buy a $1200-$4000 computer as fast as they buy a $249 iPod is not Apple's fault. It's economics. Plus the same people who are buying the iPod are oftentimes the same people buying 2, 3 or more 'Pods for their relatives as gifts.

    Give Apple a break. Their computer line-up is excellent.

    I agree with the economics standpoint. Computers are Long Term assets more than the $100-300 iPod that the consumer purchases.

    You of course are seeing iPod sales increase - that's Apple's cash cow. I think that using Q3 growth which include the back to school season as indicitave of Apple's real growth is a little premature.

    If you saw the numbers, notebooks saw a strong increase, while desktops only saw a marginal increase. Now, of course more college kids are going to get laptops. That could be a source of the larger movement in notebooks.

    I really want to see how things turn out in Q4. If units shipped drops or stays stagnant, then I would discount all the archetype changes in the Mac lines are producing real sales growh. However, if sales still stay reletively strong, then Apple may be in for some real growth in areas not just iPod related.

    We are headed into the Christmas (Holiday) shopping season. I know iPods are going to be strong, but am really excited to see if the growth in Mac sales continues to increase.


    stick people holding hands around world. people holding hands around
  • people holding hands around

  • jettredmont
    Oct 23, 07:45 PM
    EFI is not an emulation of bios.

    Correct. EFI and BIOS are different animals. MacBooks and Mac Pros don't include BIOS. Windows requires BIOS (unless Vista has changed back to supporting EFI). Boot Camp EMULATES BIOS on top of EFI.

    That was the point. Might hit the "or otherwise emulated" parenthetical in the EULA. Someone will need to talk with a lawyer on that one.

    BTW: What Microsoft SAYS about the EULA is pretty much meaningless. The only things that will be held up in court are, in rapidly-descending order of relevance:

    1. The EULA
    2. Official pronouncements declaring intent of EULA (which might go to prove willful deception; I suspect the EULA contains a clause that any external pronouncements can not change or limit the content of the agreement, blah blah blah).
    3. WAY down from the last, well-documented statements from a management-level individual at the company promising that the reading of the EULA is incorrect.

    So, if a straight reading of the EULA might be interpreted to mean it can not be run on a virtual machine or under emulation of any sort, then thats the truth, no matter how much the Borg doth protest.


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  • martynov
    Apr 14, 08:29 AM
    I cannot believe people are still stupid enough to believe that they will come out with a white iPhone 4 (My personal two cents). It makes absolutely no sense for them unless they really did plan to postpone the release of the next generation iPhone.

    Just look at the mediatrends especially how much of the media was hyped on here with bestbuy stocking them up and all other major retailers all of a sudden having the white SKUs in their systems.

    Get real guys, if you want a white iphone from Apple. Mostlikely you will never get one hence why i gave up and bought a conversion lol


    stick people holding hands around world. people holding hands around
  • people holding hands around

  • zorinlynx
    Apr 13, 08:58 PM
    They could have avoided all this drama by just not announcing the white iPhone until it was ready, but noooo.

    If no one knew it was planned, there wouldn't have been all this bitching, and Apple could have surprised us with it.


    stick people holding hands around world. people holding hands around
  • people holding hands around

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 13, 11:08 AM
    Cool what down ? Are you proposing my post was made out of anger ? Written text has no emotionality.

    Then it has no meaning.

    Honestly, that's a very stupid thing you said.

    It is possible indeed, hence why I'm asking for citations to what someone posted as fact, rather than as a possibility. Citation to support the fact still has not been provided.

    He did provide citation for the same; the engadget article.
    But due to its inception being an Engadget based article, I wouldn't base any conclusions on that.

    But yes, he did cite the argument.


    stick people holding hands around world. People Holding Hands Around
  • People Holding Hands Around

  • penter
    Jul 24, 07:00 PM
    i always wondered why they were taking so long to release this.....
    doesnt seem like an amazing feat for it to have taken such a long time.
    who agrees? yup, i think most of us do.
    now lets see about these prices...


    stick people holding hands around world. world. stick
  • world. stick

  • Thomas Veil
    Mar 1, 06:13 AM
    Okay, I can actually understand this (below) being the front page of CNN this morning:


    CNN often places a "soft news" feature up front, and Gadhafi is definitely the hard news story of the day. So I think this is as much coincidence as it is clever planning.

    What I can't condone is what's in the text of the Sheen article. Obviously Piers Morgan interviewed him last night. How can we put this gently...? STOP INTERVIEWING CHARLIE SHEEN. By now we've all read about the TMZ interview or the Today show interview, enough for everyone to realize that the man is having a full-blown psychotic breakdown. He's not there for our amusement. The fact that the media keep on interviewing him, hoping he'll say more and more bizarre things, is getting really revolting.


    stick people holding hands around world. Stick People Holding Hands
  • Stick People Holding Hands

  • Abstract
    Feb 28, 06:09 PM
    Come on, almost the entire show takes place inside his fake house, so that couldn't cost much. And as the show is pretty much about his life, the script writes itself. ;)

    I think he just gave the show another 3 years worth of material. The man has poetry and magic at his fingertips!


    stick people holding hands around world. people holding hands around
  • people holding hands around

  • LukeHarrison
    May 2, 02:55 AM
    I guess that'll teach him for using his real address on Playstation Network.


    stick people holding hands around world. World In Hands
  • World In Hands

  • Golfwolf
    Oct 21, 09:27 AM
    Using it right now, it is the iMac in my sig. My other half is going to contribute to the initial expense of buying this great machine, so nothing is on my christmas list!!:)


    stick people holding hands around world. -holding-hands-around-the-
  • -holding-hands-around-the-

  • kiljoy616
    Apr 22, 08:15 PM
    Are we sure this isn't what the iP6 may look like? It seems like there should have been more rumors about it if it was going to be the 5.

    Iphone Fail is more like it.:rolleyes:


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  • How To Draw People Holding

  • alexf
    Oct 18, 05:57 PM
    I hear a bit of what he is saying though. I mean there wasn't much innovation, just.... it was more like building the perfect car, say something like a Subaru WRX ( my car that I love very much) but replaced with a nicer engine from Porsche.... some better tires off a Lancer.... a nice tranny off of Porsche again.... neverthless... this is what they did with the Mac. Took some great stuff out there like Glossy Screen, Webcams, and Intel chips and put em in our loving Mac. However, the only piece of innocation was the Maglev charger. There was no new standards... no new gear. Yet, I do believe you are asking for too much if they are expected to innovate every product revision. Its becoming a very big company.... its no longer a couple thousand products where you can mess-up on some new innovation...

    But I'm not worried... there hasn't been much innovation elsewhere either so its not like Apple is behind... they are in front. Just not WAY in front. We'll see what happens with Leopard/802.11N/Santa Rosa/HD DVDs/Hybrid HDs..... innovation is in the pipeline. Don't worry.

    2007 is going to be a very good year.

    And 2008 even better. Presidential Election! ;)

    Yes, thank you. At least someone else out there is emotionally distanced enough from the iPod and the Apple entertainment sector to be a bit objective.

    Innovation: just what happened to Apple's innovative spirit when it comes to computers? The latest Mac Pro was fitted into the existing (and way oversized) G5 case. The MacBook was disappointing in that - proportionally - Apple did not shrink it at all or make it lighter than its predecessor (a design which had been in existence for about four years). There are more things, but I really don't want to sound like a troll here...

    Apple needs to come out with new computer models that are unlike anything else out there. What about a tiny, thin ultraportable? What about a smaller tower, so those of us that want a pro computer don't have to invest in an oversized monster (which is larger than any PCs in the market that I am aware of). Aren't computers supposed to get SMALLER as the technology advances? Why is Apple obsessed with making the iPod smaller and smaller, but does not care as much about its laptops and desktops?

    The answer: profit, or course. The iPod is Apple's cash cow. And this, my friends, is what I mean when I say that Apple needs to be partitioning off a little of its innovative energy that it is putting into its entertainment sector and bring it back to the computer line.

    Understood now?

    OK, now fire away :)


    stick people holding hands around world. Holding hands
  • Holding hands

  • antpod
    Apr 14, 09:35 AM
    I cannot believe people are still stupid enough to believe that they will come out with a white iPhone 4 (My personal two cents). It makes absolutely no sense for them unless they really did plan to postpone the release of the next generation iPhone.

    Just look at the mediatrends especially how much of the media was hyped on here with bestbuy stocking them up and all other major retailers all of a sudden having the white SKUs in their systems.

    Get real guys, if you want a white iphone from Apple. Mostlikely you will never get one hence why i gave up and bought a conversion lol

    Lol your going to look really stupid in a couple weeks. Why would you say this when there is so many reports with all the same information coming out? Especially when heads at Apple are saying it? These reports aren't from best buy employees. Those were obviously flakey. But when Bloomberg, Reuters, and Phil Schillerare saying the same thing what makes you think those are in the same league as best buy employees.

    Has apple even ever announced a major hardware product in the last 8 years and not released it?


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  • SeniorGato1
    Apr 22, 10:39 AM
    Yet another reason to go with Android.

    Apr 24, 07:17 PM
    anyone born with a penisHow about someone with a penis and breasts?

    Nov 29, 08:20 PM
    These sunglasses are definitely on my list



    Jul 12, 10:30 AM
    I will agree with you there but however, if apple want to succeed in that area they need to offer more than 2hours(at best) of video playback. Look at Creative users are getting close to 5-6 hours out video playback while still have close to 20hours of audio. And I am getting close to 9 hours out of my Cowon PMP with a 4in screen and clost to 18 out of audio. Additionally apple needs to support to add more video support like divx which is popular enough to have some dvd players to support it and even have players just desinged to play that formart. Just my 2cents

    Apr 22, 04:40 PM
    Yeah, yeah, yeah...but is it gonna come in white? :p

    Apr 13, 04:53 PM
    Apple would be better off having other companies such as Samsung that already put wi-fi receivers in there TVs buy Apple TV licenses.

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